Bots Can Sell Now!

Posted On: August 25, 2017

Chatbots have been a trending point of discussion in business for the last couple of years. Many businesses have put them to use for customer support. However, their deployment is not only restricted to it. Companies are widely recognizing chatbots for sales for their efficiency, and automation of sales process as a result of their deployment.

A Juniper Research forecasts that chatbots will be responsible for cost savings of over $8 billion per annum by 2022.

Let’s take a look at how chatbots help selling and where they are getting deployed:

  • Chatbots on Facebook Messenger Simplify the Process to Purchase
    Integration of chatbots with Facebook Messenger offers customers the path of least resistance to purchase. Bots that are powered with a knowledge framework having NLP based curated content enable companies to fulfill user expectations effectively. A chatbot platform for business offers features like probing tool, knowledge findability, and multilingual support, leading to meaningful interactions between users and the bot. As bots on messenger facilitate the payment process, it brings betterment to shopping experience. Accordingly, a customer can start a conversation with a bot, get the relevant product information, select the required product, and pay for it on a single interaction. This way, chatbots for sales automate the sales process while skipping an elongated sales funnel.
  • Chatbots on Self-Care Apps Upsell and Cross Sell Products & Services
    Bots integrated with self-care apps become virtual sales agents. Backed by machine learning and AI, they not only deliver contextual responses to users but also keep learning from their conversations. This enables bots to pitch users for an upgrade in product or service, based on their previous purchase history and the inquiries users make while having conversations.
Recommended: How Knowledge Management helps making Chatbots more effective
  • Chatbots on Landing Pages Increase Conversion Rates
    Many companies implement chatbots into their landing pages, which offers convenience to users and directs them towards sales. As customers spend inconsiderable time on a website, chatbots help them gather relevant product information within seconds. By facilitating easy information findability, bots make visitors stay longer on a website. The ease of gathering relevant information influences the purchase decision of visitors and significantly improves the chances of conversion.

Thus, bots are now making a great impact through their deployment for the purpose of sales. KocharTech provides an effective framework to build efficient chatbots for sales. We have a rich knowledge database of smartphones, routers, and other connected devices that makes a chatbot informative and helps it deliver meaningful responses. Get in touch with us to get a virtual sales agent ready for your business.

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