3 Solutions for Telecoms to Ensure a Safe Digital Journey
Posted On: March 9, 2017
Digital wave is disrupting the traditional business models and practices. If you haven’t yet planned your ride for the IoT era be ready to face the serious consequences. Consumers are readily adopting smart things for a convenient, connected lifestyle, upgrading your customer service solutions is the need of the hour.
Digital disruption enables new business models and serves as a catalyst transformation for service providers. In this transformation, Gartner believes only 30% of businesses will jump over to the next level of success. Top 3 solutions that will become the basic entities for a business to embrace their digital journeys include:
- Device Care Tools: IoT devices will see a growth of almost 3 times the number available in use, from 13.4 billion in 2015 to 38.5 billion in 2020, as per Juniper Research (please refer image 1). This will eventually fuel the rise of device-use challenges, for which end-users will gradually turn to their service providers. Here, you need access to the right and effective device care solutions to address the challenges & meet end-user expectations.
Image 1:
Device care solutions empower telecom customer service representatives with required tools to handle & address user-facing, device/SIM/network-related issues with ease. On a similar note, tools for enterprise use help managers tackle challenges to ensure a secure and productive mobile device use.
- Knowledge Management Solutions: With IoT gaining hype, devices are not the only thing that will increase, but the data they generate too. This will give rise to the need of an efficient platform to collaborate and manage the connected device knowledge. With many data collaborating and sharing solutions available, helping end-users make the right use of their devices is a challenge.This calls for the need of a strong, regularly updated knowledge-base to help service providers address upcoming challenges.
- Self Service Solutions: The growth rate of number of devices will be accompanied by a significant rise in the number of support calls volume. This is going to keep support agents and managers occupied with a rush of support issues all the time, gradually reducing their efficiency at work.There is a need of self-care and self-healing solutions that will automate resolutions and reduce the workload for support agents.
Thus, businesses can survive the digital disruption challenges with the right solutions, platforms and capabilities. KocharTech offers a unified platform with integrated self-care, knowledge management, and device management solutions for telecom operators and enterprises.
Click here to get in touch with one of our experts to discuss the right solution for your needs.